Marine Transportation Curriculum
This curriculum applies to the class of 2020 and beyond; others consult the 2015-2016 catalog.
Semester 1 |
EN-1112 | Engineering Systems & Safety |
HU-1111 | English Composition |
SM-1111 | Algebra & Trig |
SM-1131 | Chemistry I |
MT-1111 | STCW Vessel Fam. and BST |
PE-0031 | First Aid / CPR |
FF-0102 | 4/C Firefighting Practicum |
Semester 2 |
HU-1212 | Analysis of Literature |
SM-1212 | Calculus I or Applied Calculus |
SM-2121 | College or Engine Physics I |
SS-1211 | Western Civilization |
MT-1221 | Coastal Navigation |
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Semester 3 |
SM-2119 | Applied Mathematics |
SM-2222 | College Physics II |
MT-2121 | Deep Sea Navigation |
MT-2141 | Ship Construction |
MT-2161 | Rules of the Road |
LB-0201 | STCW Qualifications |
FF-0104 | 3/C Firefighting Practicum |
Semester 4 |
SS-2121 | American Government |
MT-2222 | Celestial Navigation |
MT-2231 | Basic Seamanship |
MT-3122 | Radar Observer Certificate |
MT-3221 | Electronic Navigation |
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Semester 6 |
GE-SS3 | Social Science Group I |
GE-SS5 | Social Science Group III |
MT-3224 | ECDIS |
MT-3231 | Applied Shiphandling |
MT-4241 | Stability & Trim |
FL-0001 | Free Elective |
FF-0106 | 2/C Firefighting Practicum |
Semester 7 |
GE-HU3 | Humanities Group I or II |
SS-4123 | Legislative Compliance |
MT-3131 | Meteorology |
MT-4133 | Bridge Resource Management |
FL-0002 | Free Elective |
FF-0108 | 1/C Firefighting Practicum |
Other |
PS-0301 | 4/c STCW Personal Survival |
LB-0202 | STCW Lifeboatman Exam |
CC-LEAD | Regimental Leadership Program |
SR-0401 | 4/C STCW Personal Safety/Social Responsibility |
CC-MANT | Shipboard Maintenance |