Deck STCW Courses
- MT-1111 Vessel Familiarization and Basic Safety Training
- MT-1221 Coastal Navigation
- MT-2121 Deep Sea Navigation
- MT-2141 Ship Construction
- MT-2161 Rules of the Road
- MT-2222 Celestial Navigation
- MT-2231 Basic Seamanship
- MT-2371 Sea Term II - Deck
- MT-3122 Radar Observer Certification
- MT-3131 Meteorology
- MT-3151 Dangerous Liquid Cargo
- MT-3221 Electronic Navigation
- MT-3222 Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA)
- MT-3224 Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
- MT-3231 Applied Shiphandling
- MT-3261 Containerization and Modern Cargo Stowage
- MT-3371 Sea Term III - Deck
- MT-3372 Commercial Sea Term - Deck
- MT-4122 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
- MT-4132 Advanced Seamanship
- MT-4133 Bridge Resource Management
- MT-4241 Stability and Trim
- MT-4251 Marine Safety
- MT-4252 License Seminar
- MT-4253 Watchkeeping using Full-Mission Bridge Simulator
- MT-4371 Sea Term IV: Marine Transportation