MMAwave picture space picture February 23, 2001
February 2001
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space picture space picture

At 0700 Eastern Standard Time, the Training Ship Empire State was located at 42 degrees and 03 minutes N Latitude, and 070 degrees and 22 minutes W Longitude. Race Point Light was seven nautical miles to the east. She was steering course 090 degrees true at a speed of 12 knots bound for Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. The air temperature was 33 degrees and water temperature 42 degrees Fahrenheit; skies were cloudy and light snow was falling; winds were from the east at 03 knots; barometric pressure was 1016 millibars. Seas were 2 to 4 feet. Depth of water beneath the keel was 12 fathoms.

The ship will ANCHOR in Cape Cod Bay, 0930 FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY, and remain anchored while cadets take final exams.

She will ENTER the EAST END of Cape Cod Canal at approximately, 0940 SUNDAY 25 FEBRUARY.

She will TIE UP to the MMA DOCK at, 1054 SUNDAY 25 FEBRUARY.


The great challenge is to prepare ourselves to enter these doors of opportunity. Reverend Martin Luther King

For the past twelve hours, we have been floating along in a cloud. No, we are not delirious about being near Cape Cod, even though we listened to familiar radio stations all night. Our happiness results from the pleasing blanket of fluffy, white, snow that embellished our return to New England. Yep, after nearly forty, fun filled, days in warmer climes, we were walloped with cold temperatures and heavy snow almost within sight of home. While the snowfall is beautiful, it makes the people who work on deck uncomfortable, and the lookouts have a rough time trying to keep warm and retain focus, while peering teary eyed, through the wind driven flakes. They bundled in multiple layers of thick clothing, topped off with rain gear, to fight the bone chilling cold!

The thick flakes caused visibility to vary from near zero at times, out to nearly two miles, making the job even more difficult. When maneuvering in reduced visibility conditions, (less than one-mile) we must sound fog signals to warn other vessels of our presence. So, everyone endured the ship's whistle reverberating through the superstructure until just after dawn. The clamor disturbed every one and made for a particularly long night.

Now, we are moving quickly into the lee of the National Sea shore and onward to the anchorage on the western shore of Cape Cod Bay. We will settle just beyond the eastern entrance to the Canal and if you visit


the chart will help you understand where we are anchored.

We live on the Canal year 'round and are prone to forgetting what a national asset it is. We also neglect the significant history, as well. The concept of building the Canal goes back to Plymouth Colony in the early 1600's, but the first serious attempt at construction waited for more than 250 years, until the 1880's. That try was abandoned, purportedly due to money problems, but I read that the digging started with several hundred men, spade shovels and wheelbarrows. I know from quarrying my vegetable garden that the incalculable numbers of rocks here abouts, would discourage caterpillar, himself. Therefore, I surmise that construction ceased when weak backs were overcome by stronger minds.

The second venture into the earth began in 1909, with more appropriate equipment. Even then, digging a 25 feet deep, 100 feet wide, eight mile long hole in the ground, took more than five years. The original Boston, Cape Cod & New York Canal Company "ditch" meandered along such a crooked path that few had the necessary skills to navigate it, and combined with the strong tidal currents that coursed through, the passage acquainted many hapless mariners with the air, water, dirt interface. As one might imagine, sticking large ships in the mud caused major traffic backups and significant money loss, so few wanted to use it.

The Cape Cod Canal was widened to 540 feet, straightened, and dredged to a depth of 32 feet, between 1935 and 1940. New bridges were also constructed with vertical clearances of 135 feet. The roadway bridge is typical of many such structures. However, the vertical lift, railroad bridge is a landmark. It is one of the largest such bridges in the world. Everyone is anxious to see the familiar support steeples framing the bow because that picture says... we're home.

Well folk, I know that we appear to be lazily, watching you - watching us, but much has yet to be done, here at anchor. So, I will see you tomorrow from right out here.


Cold Weather and Home Ahead! Cadet 3/C Angela Abbott

Here, aboard the Empire State, we have been compelled to wear sweatshirts and long underwear again. The weather has changed from warm and sunny to cold and blustery but we find enjoyment in watching the snow flakes pile up on the water. Although we enjoyed the warmer weather, we are happy to experience the cold again. The winter weather serves to remind us of New England, and the warmth of home and loved ones, so there is something very comforting about it. Excitement is in the air. Office supplies are being packed and we are cleaning and painting for the final time this winter. Our last Captain's Inspection will happen on Saturday night, and then we will see our friends and families on Sunday. That is exactly what everyone is looking forward to, and those pleasant thoughts will consume the next couple of days. So, to our families and friends...we've missed you so much... and we are looking forward to seeing you... Two days and a wake up!... We love you!



Volume of the Cube

V = L x W x H

V = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 square inches

Volume of the Hole

V = Pi x radius squared x H

V = 3.14 x 1 x 1 x 5

V = 15.7, say 16 square inches

125 square inches - 16 square inches = 109 square inches.


The Moon both rotates on its axis and revolves about the earth. The rates of revolution and rotation are same; one complete rotation and revolution every 27 days. Therefore, we see only one side of the moon.


The Cape Cod Canal connects Cape Cod Bay and Buzzards Bay, a distance of approximately 8 miles.


The Cape Cod Canal was built between 1909 and 1914.