NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire.

FF-X1.9 Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents

Condition Behavior Standard

When asked on a written examination to list extinguishing agents and name the classes of fire for which they are effective,

the candidate lists (or selects the answer that lists) extinguishing agents and names ( or selects the answer that names) the classes of fire for which they are effective.

The candidate lists (or selects the answer that lists) extinguishing agents and names ( or selects the answer that names) the following extinguishing agents and name at least one of the classes of fire for which they are effective:

  1. Water - normally used on Class A (ordinary combustibles) materials;
  2. Steam – normally for Class A and Class B fires;
  3. Foam - normally used on Class B fires;
  4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) – usually used on Class B and C fires;
  5. Dry chemical – Class B and C and sometimes Class A;
  6. Dry powder - Class D only; and
  7. HalonTM or HalonTM alternative agents - Class B and C.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 08-14 Task 2.9.B , MMA students must: