Function: Basic Training
Competence | Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency | Location(s) |
Minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire |
X1.1 Shipboard fire-fighting organization |
X1.2 Location of fire-fighting appliances and emergency escape routes |
X1.3 The elements of fire and explosion (the fire triangle) |
X1.4 Types and sources of ignition |
X1.5 Flammable materials, fire hazards and spread of fire |
X1.6 The need for constant vigilance |
X1.7 Actions to be taken on board ship |
X1.8 Fire and smoke detection and automatic alarm systems |
X1.9 Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents |
X2.1 Fire-fighting equipment and its location on board |
Fight and extinguish fires |
X2.2 Instruction in: