Form two steel plates using electric arc welding process


In a workshop/laboratory or other safe working environment, given proper tools, lighting, ventilation, and two steel plates of no less than 3/8 inch thickness.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Use Tools to fuse two steel plates using electric arc welding process

Observe all personal and environmental safety procedures

adjust welding machine settings as appropriate for the job

Weld according to standard welding procedure

Inspect resulting weld

Identify any evidence of lack of fill, flux entrapment, non-continuous fillet, base metal erosion, base cracks or other defects

See the Engineering Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.

Note: This assessment supports KUP OICEW-C1.6, and is assessed in EN-2112 Machine Tool Technology.