NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Contribute to the safe operation of deck equipment and machinery

ABD-C1.3 Use and handling of deck and cargo-handling gear and equipment access arrangements, hatches and hatch covers, ramps, side/bow/stern doors, or elevators

Condition Behavior Standard

On board ship, or in a laboratory,

the candidate demonstrates the use of cargo-handling gear and equipment access arrangements.

The candidate demonstrates the use of onboard cargo handling gear and access arrangements including:

  1. Inspecting the equipment to be used to ensuring that it is in good operating condition;
  2. Performing any rigging and ensuring that all of the related equipment is readily available;
  3. Releasing the dogs or other securing arrangement;
  4. Opening the access way;
  5. Installing or set any safety equipment and other equipment normally used when the access is open;
  6. Demonstrating the use of the open access;
  7. Securing the access to its “at sea” position;
  8. Checking for water tightness as specified in the vessel’s operations procedures; and
  9. Stowing all equipment.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 14-14 Task 4.10.A , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course CC‑MANT Shipboard Maintenance
  • Pass MMA Course MT‑2231 Basic Seamanship
  • Pass MMA Course MT‑3261 Containerization and Modern Cargo Stowage