NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire

AFF-X4.1 Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire

Condition Behavior Standard

In an approved or accepted course, in simulated shipboard conditions, when presented with the remains of a small, typical shipboard fire for which the point(s) of origin and cause are unknown,

the candidate describes while using burn patterns; charred debris; material and structural damage, discoloration and distortion; and other physical evidence, the process of determining the point(s) of origin of the fire.

Note 1

The assessment corresponds to a revalidation component that must be demonstrated in Coast Guard approved training ashore in order for mariners with 1 year of service in the previous 5 years to renew competency in Advanced Firefighting.

  1. The candidate’s descriptions of physical evidence are relevant to determining the point(s) of origin;
  2. The candidate’s process continually eliminates areas that are not the point(s) of origin; and
  3. The candidate correctly and completely identifies point(s) of origin.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 09-14 Task 4.1.A , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course FF‑0108 1/C Advanced Firefighting