NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Fight and extinguish fires.

FF-X2.2 Fire fighting equipment and its location on board: .8 use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires and effecting rescues

Condition Behavior Standard

While wearing a fire fighter’s outfit (wearing gloves) and with a self- contained breathing apparatus donned, when asked to demonstrate proper use of the apparatus under normal and emergency conditions,

the candidate demonstrates proper use of the breathing apparatus under normal and emergency conditions.

Note 1

Indicates a BT revalidation component to be demonstrated in Coast Guard approved training. See Enclosure (1), paragraph 2 (b)

The candidate correctly demonstrates all of the following:

  1. Normal breathing;
  2. Changing the bottle; and
  3. Emergency breathing.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 08-14 Task 3.8.B , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment FF-2SBA Don and use a self-contained breathing apparatus