NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Maintain a safe navigational watch

OICNW-A2.6 Watchkeeping

The use of reporting in accordance with the General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and with VTS procedures

Condition Behavior Standard

On a vessel underway or on a simulator,

the candidate establishes and maintains communication with a Vessel Traffic System (VTS).

The candidate:

  1. Establishes communications with a VTS;

  2. Provides the initial information exchange as required by the VTS;

  3. Updates information during transit as required by the VTS;

  4. Updates information as required by the VTS, if the vessel anchors and/or berths; and

  5. Closes communications with the VTS as the vessel departs the VTS jurisdiction.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 12-14 Task 2.6.A , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment OICNW-2D6A Vessel traffic systems (VTS)