NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire.

FF-X1.2 Location of fire fighting appliances and emergency escape routes

Condition Behavior Standard

When given a set of a ship’s fire plans and asked on a written examination to identify the locations of fire fighting appliances and trace certain escape routes,

the candidate identifies (or selects the answer that identifies) the locations of fire fighting appliances and trace (or select the answer that traces) the escape routes from spaces identified on the plan.

The candidate:

  1. Identifies (or selects the answer that identifies) the locations of fire fighting appliances on the plan; and
  2. Traces (or selects the answer that traces) the escape routes and identifies the most direct escape routes from the locations given, which will minimally include:

    a. the bridge;

    b. crew mess area;

    c. engine room;

    d. passenger or crew stateroom;

    e. workspace forward;

    f. workspace aft; and

g. cargo area.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 08-14 Task 2.2.A , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course MT‑1111 Vessel Familiarization and Basic Safety Training