Function: Survival craft and rescue boats
Competence | Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency | Location(s) |
Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch |
X1.1 Construction and outfit of survival craft and rescue boats and individual items of their equipment |
X1.2 Particular characteristics and facilities of survival craft and rescue boats |
X1.3 Various types of device used for launching survival craft and rescue boats |
X1.4 Methods of launching survival craft into a rough sea |
X1.5 Methods of recovering survival craft |
X1.6 Action to be taken after leaving the ship |
X1.7 Methods of launching and recovering rescue boats in a rough sea |
X1.8 Dangers associated with use of on-load release devices |
X1.9 Knowledge of maintenance procedures |
Operate a survival craft engine |
X2.1 Methods of starting and operating a survival craft engine and its accessories together with the use of the fire extinguisher provided |
Manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship |
X3.1 Handling survival craft in rough weather |
X3.2 Use of painter, sea-anchor and all other equipment |
X3.3 Apportionment of food and water in survival craft |
X3.4 Action taken to maximize detectability and location of survival craft |
X3.5 Method of helicopter rescue |
X3.6 Effects of hypothermia and its prevention; use of protective covers and garments, including immersion suits and thermal protective aids |
X3.7 Use of rescue boats and motor lifeboats for marshalling liferafts and rescue of survivors and persons in the sea |
X3.8 Beaching survival craft |
Use locating devices, including communication and signalling apparatus and pyrotechnics |
X4.1 Radio life-saving appliances carried in survival craft, including satellite EPIRBs and SARTs |
X4.2 Pyrotechnic distress signals |
Apply first aid to survivors |
X5.1 Use of the first-aid kit and resuscitation techniques |
X5.2 Management of injured persons, including control of bleeding and shock |