Course Description

Together with LB-0203, this course provides minimum standard of competence in personal survival techniques (STCW Table A-VI/1-1). Instruction and assessment in water survival during shipboard emergency to abandon ship. Instruction in dangers to the survivor in the water and the use of personal survival clothing and lifesaving devices. A component of Basic Safety Training certification.

This course consists of 1-hour lecture, and 8-hour practical.

STCW Objectives

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:

  • OICNW-C4.1 Immersion suits and thermal protective aids
  • OICEW-D4.1 Immersion suits and thermal protective aids
  • SCRB-X3.6 use of protective covers and garments, including immersion suits and thermal protective aids

Demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:

  • PS-1 Don a lifejacket
  • PS-3 Jump from a height into the water
  • PS-4 Right an inverted liferaft
  • PS-5 Swim while wearing a lifejacket
  • PS-6 Keep afloat without a lifejacket
  • PS-7 Board a survival craft while wearing a lifejacket
  • SCRB-1 Right an inverted lifefraft


Hypothermia and fatigue

  • In the water survival skills and techniques
  • TPAs
  • SOLAS approved PFDs

Demonstration of survival techniques

  • HELP
  • Huddle
  • Survival chain and carpet

Demonstration of basic survival skills

  • Floating and treading water
  • Holding breath underwater
  • Backstroke
  • Crawl
  • Donning a life preserver in the water
  • Donning an immersion suit in the water
  • Swimming to, and entering, a liferaft

Demonstration of basic rescue techniques

  • Shouting “Man Overboard”
  • Life ring toss
  • Pulling an unconscious victim in the water
  • Safely assisting conscious victims

For more information, see