Course Description

Provides minimum standard of competence in fire prevention and firefighting. Instruction and practical training in the use of fire extinguishers, hoses and self-contained breathing apparatus. Emphasis on the chemistry of a fire and emergency evacuation. A component of STCW Basic Training; first component of four year’s training for Basic and Advanced Marine Firefighting certification ( Table A-VI/2 ). Prerequisite for Sea Term I .

This course consists of two hour lecture, and 8-hour practical.

STCW Objectives

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:

  • RFPEW-A3.3 Familiarity with use of fire-fighting equipment
  • FF-X1.3 The elements of fire and explosion (the fire triangle)
  • FF-X1.4 Types and sources of ignition
  • FF-X1.5 Flammable materials, fire hazards and spread of fire
  • FF-X1.6 The need for constant vigilance
  • FF-X1.7 Actions to be taken on board ship
  • FF-X1.8 Fire and smoke detection and automatic alarm systems
  • FF-X1.9 Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents
  • FF-X2.2 fire-fighter’s outfits
  • FF-X2.2 fire-fighting agents
  • FF-X2.2 fire-fighting appliances and equipment
  • FF-X2.2 fire-fighting methods
  • FF-X2.2 fire-fighting procedures
  • FF-X2.2 personal equipment
  • FF-X2.2 use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires and effecting rescues

Demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:

  • FF-2PFE Use various types of portable fire extinguishers to extinguish smaller fires.
  • FF-2SBA Don and use a self-contained breathing apparatus


  1. Minimize the risk of fire
    • Concept and application of the fire triangle to fire and explosion
    • Types and sources of ignition
    • Flammable materials commonly found on board
    • The need for constant vigilance
    • Fire hazards
  2. Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fires
    • Organization of shipboard fire fighting
    • Location of fire-fighting appliances and emergency escape routes
    • Fire spread in different parts of a ship
    • Fire and smoke detection measures on ships and automatic alarm systems
    • Classification of fires and appropriate extinguishing agents
  3. Fight and extinguish fires
    • Selection of fire-fighting appliances and equipment
    • Precautions for and use of fixed installations
    • Use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires
    • Use of breathing apparatus for effecting rescues

Other objectives

  1. Identify the fire triangle and types of ignition sources aboard ship.
  2. Identify flammable materials and fire hazards aboard a ship.
  3. Learn the proper response to fire and other emergency signals.
  4. Learn about the organization of fire and emergency response teams aboard vessels.
  5. Identify the location of emergency gear lockers, fire escape routes, and fire detection systems.
  6. Practice fire extinguishment using portable fire hoses and extinguishers.
  7. Practice the proper donning of fire fighting gear, including SCBA’s.
  8. Practice search and rescue drills in reduced visibility while wearing turn-out gear and SCBA’s.

For more information, see