Monitor sewage waste treatment plant


Aboard ship or in an approved simulator, given access to a sewage waste treatment plant and proper tools and equipment.

Performance requirement

Behavior Standard
The student will: During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum:

Identify and Describe the visible components of the msd and lift station

Identify and describe at least the following:

  • black water inlet
  • gray water inlet
  • chemical treatment
  • operating discharge pump
  • macerator
  • overflow
  • control panel
  • operating compressors
  • sludge and scum returns

Trace the discharge piping of the msd

Trace system in auxiliary machinery room only

Describe the procedure to start and secure the sewage treatment plant

  • follow correct procedures
  • prevent safety and pollution violations

Apply regulations to the operation of the MSD

State requirements for overboard discharge of waste

See the Engineering Assessment Guidelines for additional specifications of behavior and standards.

Note: This assessment supports KUP OICEW-D1.2, and is assessed in EN-2231 Sea Term II: Marine Engineering.