BRM Condition II or III – error trapping
On a ship at sea or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at sea, and with a bridge team in place for navigating in congested near coastal waters with or without reduced visibility, and assigned duties as an officer in a Bridge Team, when one of the following occur:
- an incorrect rudder order is given;
- a rudder or engine command is not given at the proper time;
- a navigational aid is misidentified;
- the vessel’s position is improperly fixed; or
- a target vessel’s movements are improperly stated.
Performance requirement
Behavior | Standard |
The student will: | During assessment, the student shall, at a minimum: |
Monitor vessel’s movement, recognize erroneously stated information about the vessel’s position or a target vessels movement, and notify the conning officer of specific questions regarding the vessel’s situation. |
The misinformation or command error was detected within time to prevent placing vessel into danger. |
Note: This assessment supports KUP OICNW-A2.7, and is assessed in MT-4253 Watchkeeping using Full-Mission Bridge Simulator.