MMAwave picture space picture Day 2 loading
January 2002
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The weather was much nicer today! Cadets awoke to a dusting of snow but the wind and rain had stopped.

sweeping snow: 3/c cadets Nathan Weymouth(Ipswitch,MA) and Jonathan Rand (Brockton,MA) sweep down the weather decks

After morning formation, the loading crews attacked the trucks ideling on the dock. Then gangs of bundled cadets walked down to the gym and began moving tons of weights and exercise machines to the ship for the voyage. By the end of the day, the loading was ahead of schedule.

Booms: 1/c cadets Donovan and Cunningham with Mate Mahanna (Suny Maritime staff) supervise the workings of the booms forward.

Congratulations to Cdr Steve Kelleher (former USMC logistics officer) and his "longshoreman" cadet gangs. Although most of them were doing this for the FIRST time, it went without a hitch and without anyone getting hurt. Fourthclass cadets are begining to lose their "deer in the headlights" look. They can find their way from their rack to the mess deck and back without help... so we know they won't starve.

ladderway: 4/c cadets Foley, Ditullio, and Horton descend a ladderway

Every day gets easier and brings the crew closer to departure. Anxiety for getting underway will replace the anxiety of moving onto the ship, but these days in Buzzards Bay are never worry free for anyone. The Cadet Officers are nervous about their awesome responsibility, all cadets are aware of the academic challenge ahead of them, and the new cadets are concerned about sea sickness, living with 160 of their closest friends, or what the world will look like without land on any horizon.

Meanwhile, down in the "pit" the engineers tend to their machines. Down there, it's always nice weather- 95 degrees, 100% humidity and (hopefully) always as bright as noontime.

The pit: Cadets and staff in the engine room of the TSES.

on watch: Cadet 1/c John Fitek, Harvard, MA watches the gauges in the engine room