NVIC 08-14 – personal safety and social responsibility

No. NVIC Task Description Location
1. 5.1.A Describe the types of emergencies that may occur SR‑0401
2. 5.2.A Describe location and contents of station bills and forecastle card SR‑0401
3. 5.2.B State the purpose, location, and circumstances requiring PPE equipment SR‑0401
4. 5.3.A List the steps to take to report a fire SR‑0401
5. 5.3.B List the steps to take upon seeing or hearing a person fall overboard SR‑0401
6. 5.4.A Identify the proper person to alert for different emergency situations SR‑0401
7. 5.5.A List actions to take upon hearing fire, emergency or abandon ship signals SR‑0401
8. 5.6.A List the reasons for requiring crew participation in training and drills SR‑0401
9. 5.6.B Describe location, purpose and function of shipboard communication devices SR‑0401
10. 5.6.C Describe location, purpose and function of the shipboard alarm systems SR‑0401
11. 6.1.A Describe the effects of pollution on water, the shoreline and marine life ST‑0999D
12. 6.2.A Describe the importance of MARPOL ST‑0999D
13. 6.2.B Explains why procedures must be followed to safeguard the marine environment ST‑0999D
14. 7.1.A Describe areas or conditions aboard ship where injuries are frequent or more likely EN‑1112
15. 7.1.B Describe common safety practices for shipboard work EN‑1112
16. 7.2.A Define an enclosed/confined space and describe associated dangers EN‑1112
17. 7.2.B List procedures to take prior to entry into an enclosed/confined space EN‑1112
18. 7.3.A Identify dangerous conditions, safety hazards or other non-conformities SR‑0401
19. 7.4.A Describe the importance of obeying orders and communicating with others SR‑0401
20. 7.5.A Explains the use of common shipboard terminology and technical terms SR‑0401
21. 7.5.B Explains the need for effective communication skills aboard ship SR‑0401
22. 8.1.A Describe the importance of cooperation and of reporting interpersonal problems SR‑0401
23. 8.1.B Gives examples of verbal, physical and sexual harassment SR‑0401
24. 8.2.A Describe the necessity of following orders and safe and productive operation SR‑0401
25. 8.3.A Name organizations to report harassment, unfair practices, or unsafe conditions SR‑0401
26. 8.3.B Contribute to effective communications on board ship SR‑0401
27. 9.1.A Describe the effects of fatigue on seafarers EN‑1112