NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Apply occupational health and safety precautions

ABD-C2.1 Working knowledge of safe working practices and personal shipboard safety, including chemical and biohazard safety

Condition Behavior Standard

On board ship or in a laboratory, during the simulation of a chemical or biohazard spill or incident,

the candidate simulates the proper response in accordance with Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

The candidate:

  1. Reports the spill;
  2. Refers to the SDS or is informed accordingly by a supervisor with access to an SDS;
  3. Isolates the chemical or bio-hazardous material; and
  4. Monitors the spill until relieved by an emergency team.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 14-14 Task 5.9.A , MMA students must: