NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Contribute to monitoring and controlling a safe watch

RFPNW-X3.2 Use of appropriate internal communication and alarm systems

Condition Behavior Standard

On a ship or full mission ship simulator,

the candidate notifies the officer of the watch when hearing the following alarms:

  1. Gyrocompass failure alarm;
  2. Smoke and/or heat detector alarms;
  3. Running light panel alarm; and
  4. Steering motor failure alarm; and
  5. Steering pump failure alarm.

The candidate:

  1. Immediately reports each alarm to the Officer in Charge of the Watch; and
  2. Responds to orders as instructed by the Officer in Charge of the Watch.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 06-14 Task 3.2.A , MMA students must: