NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship

SCRB-X3.8 Beaching survival craft

Condition Behavior Standard

On a Coast Guard examination or in an approved or accepted course,

the candidate describes or selects the answer that describes landing a survival craft.


The assessment is for both PSC and PSC-Limited.

The candidate describes landing a survival craft including:

  1. Signs that land is nearby;
  2. Scouting the shoreline to determine the best and safest area to beach;
  3. Best time of day to beach a survival craft;
  4. Attracting attention of any inhabitants;
  5. Use of a sea anchor;
  6. Beaching under oars or power; and
  7. Beaching in heavy surf.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 04-14 Task 3.8.A , MMA students must: