NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship

SCRB-X3.5 Method of helicopter rescue

Condition Behavior Standard

On a Coast Guard examination or in an approved or accepted course,

the candidate describes or selects the answer that describes helicopter rescues from a life raft and from the water.


The assessment is for both PSC and PSC-Limited.

The candidate describes helicopter rescues from a life raft and from the water, including:

  1. Visual and radio communications with the helicopter;

    a. effects of the helicopter downdraft on the life raft including:

    b. the possibility of capsizing;

    c. the possible need to deflate the roof of the life raft;

  2. Precautions when handling devices lowered from the helicopter;
  3. Use of rescue devices that may be deployed from the helicopter;
  4. Order of departure of survivors from life raft;
  5. Not securing devices from the helicopter to the life raft; and
  6. Information to pass on to helicopter crew upon rescue, such as;

    a. injuries aboard; and

    b. locations of other groups of survivors.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 04-14 Task 3.5.B , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course MT‑1111 Vessel Familiarization and Basic Safety Training