NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Contribute to berthing, anchoring and other mooring operations

ABD-A2.1 Working knowledge of the mooring system and related procedures, including the capacities, safe working loads, and breaking strengths of mooring equipment, including mooring wires, synthetic and fiber lines, winches, anchor windlasses, capstans, bitts, chocks, and bollards

Condition Behavior Standard

On board ship or in a laboratory, when questioned by a Qualified Assessor,

the candidate describes characteristics of various lines including wire ropes.

The candidate’s description includes:

  1. Nature of various lines including:

    a. Natural fiber lines;

    b. Nylon line;

    c. Polypropylene line; and

    d. Wire lines;

  2. Combining wire and synthetic lines should only be done by using a thimble;
  3. Braided vs. laid line; and
  4. Need for and placement of chafing gear.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 14-14 Task 2.2.A , MMA students must: