NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Maintain a safe navigational watch

OICNW-A2.7 Bridge resource management

Knowledge of bridge resource management principles, including:

.1 Allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources

.2 Effective communication

.3 Assertiveness and leadership

.4 Obtaining and maintaining situational awareness

.5 Consideration of team experience

Condition Behavior Standard

On a vessel underway or on a simulator with a bridge team in place navigating in congested near coastal waters with restricted visibility, increased traffic, land, and/or shoals affecting navigation, , and with the candidate assigned duties as an officer on the bridge team, when one of the following occur:

  1. An incorrect rudder order is given;
  2. A rudder or engine command is not given at the proper time to maintain intended track;
  3. A navigational aid is misidentified;
  4. The vessel’s position is improperly fixed; or
  5. Target vessel’s movements are improperly stated.

the candidate monitors the vessel’s movement, recognizes the erroneously-stated information about the vessel’s position or target vessel’s movement, and notifies the conning officer of specific questions regarding the vessel’s situation.

The candidate:

  1. Detects the misinformation or command error; and

  2. Notifies the watch officer within 30 seconds of the occurrence of the error (for helm orders, the candidate detects the error and issues a corrective order consistent with the order from the watch officer within 5.0 seconds).

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 12-14 Task 2.7.D , MMA students must:

  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment OICNW-2-3F BRM Condition II or III – error trapping