NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch

SCRB-X1.5 Methods of recovering survival craft

Condition Behavior Standard

Using a lifeboat in the water,

the candidate commands the recovery and proper securing of a lifeboat within 15 minutes.


The assessment is only for an endorsement as PSC. Mariners holding endorsements as PSC-Limited who wish to increase the scope of the endorsement to PSC should complete these assessments.

The candidate issues the following orders and verifies that they have been properly carried out:

  1. Bring the lifeboat under the falls;
  2. Hook the lifeboat to the falls;
  3. Raise the lifeboat to the embarkation deck;
  4. Raise the lifeboat to its stowed position; and
  5. Secure the lifeboat.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 04-14 Task 1.5.A , MMA students must: