NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch

SCRB-X1.4 Methods of launching survival craft into a rough sea

Condition Behavior Standard

Using a lifeboat properly stowed on gravity davits,

the candidate commands the launching of the lifeboat.


The assessment is only for an endorsement as PSC. Mariners holding endorsements as PSC-Limited who wish to increase the scope of the endorsement to PSC should complete these assessments.

The candidate issues the following orders in proper sequence and verifies that they have been properly carried out:

  1. If fitted with this equipment, remove the boat cover and strongbacks;plug the drain; ready man ropes; ship the tiller;
  2. Check that the painte is properly attached and remove gripes;
  3. Lead the painter inside falls and outboard of all obstructions;
  4. Remove slack and secure the painter well forward by a round turn and figure eights on the bitts;
  5. Pass frapping lines around the falls after the tricing pendants have pulled the lifeboat into the side of the ship, and slack as needed during the boat’s descent;
  6. Let go tricing pendants; and
  7. Lift brake release and lower lifeboat.

NOTE: If it is unsafe or impractical for persons to ride the boat to the water, this component of the task may be simulated.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 04-14 Task 1.4.A , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course LB‑0201 STCW Lifeboatman Qualifications