NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Survive at sea in the event of a ship abandonment.

PS-X1.3 Knowledge of equipment carried in survival craft and its use

Condition Behavior Standard

Given an actual survival craft or a mock up stocked with an actual equipment inventory of each piece of equipment carried in the survival craft, when asked to demonstrate its use,

the candidate demonstrates the use of the piece of equipment given.

The candidate correctly demonstrates the safe and proper sequence for inspection, operation, activation, and deployment for any of the following equipment in the time specified:

  1. Sea painter (3 minutes);
  2. Sea anchor (3 minutes);
  3. Bilge pump (3 minutes);
  4. Boat hook (3 minutes);
  5. Water de-salting kit (3 minutes);
  6. Signaling mirror (3 minutes);
  7. Simulate activating smoke signals (3 minutes);
  8. Distress signals (3 minutes); and
  9. Parachute flares (3 minutes).

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 08-14 Task 1.3.B , MMA students must: