NVIC Method

Show NVIC method.

STCW Competence Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency

Survive at sea in the event of a ship abandonment.

PS-X1.5 Proficiency in the use of lifesaving appliances normally carried on ships

Condition Behavior Standard

While wearing a life jacket and standing at least 1 meter above the water,

the candidate jumps into the water in the proper position to prevent injury.

The candidate jumps safely into water doing all of the following:

  1. One hand covering mouth and nose;
  2. Other hand across chest to secure jacket from Riding up and coming off; and
  3. Legs straight and tight together or ankles crossed.

MMA Method

In order to satisfy NVIC 08-14 Task 1.14.C , MMA students must:

  • Pass MMA Course PS‑0301 4/C STCW Personal Survival
  • Successfully complete MMA Assessment PS-3 Jump from a height into the water