Course Description

This course is designed to meet all Rules of the Road knowledge-based assessments and the three performance-based assessments, each of which forms part of the requirements for Officer in Charge of a Navigation Watch (STCW Table A-II/1). The objective of this rigorous program of study is to provide the student with a thorough knowledge of the content, application, and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and the Unified Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations (INLAND RULES).

This course consists of three 1-hour lectures a week for a semester with practical assessments and a comprehensive final examination.

STCW Objectives

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:

  • OICNW-A2.1 Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended

Demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:


  • Introduction and Regulatory History
    • History of Collision Regulations
    • Pennsylvania & Louisiana Rules
    • Purpose of Rules of the Road
    • RULE 1 - Application
  • Vessel Definitions
    • RULE 3 - General Descriptions
  • Applying Lights to Vessel Descriptions
    • RULE 3 - General Descriptions Cont.
    • RULES 20 thru 23
    • Annex I
  • Applying Lights to Vessel Descriptions Cont.
    • RULES 24 thru 25
    • Annex II
    • RULES 26 thru 31
  • Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another
    • Application of Definitions to Rule 18 Maneuvering Situations
    • RULE 18 - Pecking Order
    • RULE 12 - Sailing Vessels
    • RULE 13 - Overtaking Situations
    • RULE 14 - Meeting Situations
    • RULE 15 - Crossing Situations
  • Duties of Stan-on and Give-way Vessels
    • RULE 16 - Actions of Give-way Vessel
    • RULE 17 - Action of Stand-on Vessel
  • Conduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility
    • RULE 9 - Narrow Channel
    • RULE 10 - Traffic Separation Schemes
  • Sound and Light Signals
    • RULE 32 - Sound Signal Definitions
    • Rule 33 - Equipment for Sound Signals
    • Annex III
    • RULE 34 - Maneuvering and Warning Signals
    • RULE 35 - Sound Signals in restricted Visibility
    • RULE 36 - Signals to Attract Attention
  • Restricted Visibility
    • RULE 19 - Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
  • Conduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility
    • RULE 4 - Application
    • Rule 5 - Lookout
    • RULE 6 - Safe Speed
    • RULE 7 - Risk of Collision
    • RULE 8 - Action to Avoid Collision
  • Miscellaneous Signals
    • RULE 37 - Distress Signals
    • Annex IV
  • Application of RULE 2
    • Good Seamanship - RULE 2(a)
    • General Prudential Rule - RULE 2(b)
    • Bridge to Bridge Radiotelephone Regulations
  • Case Studies
    • Exxon Chester v. Regal Sword
    • Empress of Ireland v. Storstad

For more information, see