Safety and environmental consideration

All procedures must be conducted in a safe and environmentally responsible fashion. Personal protective equipment must be worn when required, lockout/tagout procedures followed, tools used properly, etc. All applicable environmental and polution prevention regulations must be followed.

Students failing to demonstrate safe work practices or creating a hazardous situation will automatically receive a rating of Failure, Below Standard for the entire assessment.

Uniform subtask performance criteria

Assessment criteria for tasks are defined in terms of subtasks shown below. Student performance will be compared to the subtask criteria outlined in these checklists.

The student...


  • Makes necessary changes to system to bring process variable to within specifications
  • Verifies that desired changes have occurred

Apply regulations

  • Summarizes requirements of applicable USCG, Federal, and IMO regulations
  • Insures that applicable regulations are followed, to the extent of their authority to do so


  • Observes the condition of system/component/parameter
  • Determines if item is meeting operational requirements


  • Selects appropriate equipment to perform cleaning task
  • Uses selected equipment to remove dirt, rust and grime
  • Disposes of rags and solvents properly

Describe (action)

  • States the plan of action or procedural steps
  • States reasoning behind action
  • States any associated safety issues, job hazards, or environmental considerations

Describe (equipment)

  • States the name of the system/component
  • States the function of system/component
  • States normal operating values and/or operational limits of system/component


  • Uses schematics, manuals, and other resources as required
  • Selects appropriate tools
  • Loosens and removes fasteners
  • Removes system/subsystem components, partially or completely as required
  • Avoids damaging components
  • Marks or stores component parts to facilitate reassembly

Evaluate / Inspect / Test

  • Uses test equipment or direct observation to determine parameter values or condition
  • Compares values to acceptable operating requirements
  • Draws conclusions based on results of comparison


  • Creates/uses schematic diagrams or blueprints to establish product specifications
  • Selects necessary materials
  • Uses appropriate tools and procedures
  • Uses personal protective equipment when appropriate
  • Produces a work product that meets specifications


  • Points to item when given its name, or
  • Points to and names item

Line up

  • Determines operational requirements
  • Opens or closes valves in piping system as required to make system meet operational requirements, while minimizing disturbances to other parts of the plant


  • De-energizes machinery or equipment
  • Releases or restrains all stored energy
  • Checks that locks and tags are defect free
  • Places a lock or tag on the energy isolating device
  • Verifies that isolation and de-energization of the machine or equipment has been accomplished


  • Takes steps necessary to insure continuous operation
  • Adds correct grade of oil as required
  • Blows down air receivers and pneumatic devices
  • Replaces indicator lamps as required
  • Adjusts packing glands to minimize leakage when necessary
  • Wipes up spilled oil as required


  • Observes the conditions of system/component sufficiently frequently to detect changes or hazards
  • Uses available instrumentation to determine system temperature/pressure/level/voltage, etc.
  • Compares system parameters with desired operating values
  • Notifies supervisor of significant changes in operating parameters
  • Maintains neat and accurate logs and records


  • Uses available instrumentation to determine system temperature/pressure/level/voltage, etc.
  • Compares system parameters with desired operating values
  • Adjusts system/equipment as necessary to bring to normal operating condition
  • Maintains neat and accurate logs and records
  • Notifies Bridge and/or Chief of significant changes in operating conditions

Place into service

  • Obtains permission to place equipment into service
  • Verifies that equipment is in idling status, or starts equipment if necessary
  • Verifies that equipment is prepared to take on load
  • Follows established procedure to put a load on the idling unit and if necessary to unload the previously loaded unit
  • Places control systems into "automatic"
  • Monitors unit to verify correct operation
  • Notifies watch, or makes appropriate entries into logbook


  • Uses schematics, manuals, and other resources as required
  • Sets clear goals which satisfy functional and regulatory requirements
  • Establishes steps to achieve goals


  • Plans operations
  • Obtains required tools and materials
  • Lines up, adjusts, secures, or locks-out systems and equipment as required
  • Notifies watch, or makes appropriate entries into logbook


  • Uses schematics, manuals, and other resources as required
  • Selects appropriate tools
  • Obtains necessary component parts
  • Puts parts together to form complete system/subsystem
  • Assembles components in correct sequence and position
  • Tightens fasteners to meet job requirements
  • Tests system/subsystem if possible


  • Identifies system/subsystem problem area
  • De-energizes or relieves pressure
  • Lockout/tagout system/subsystem
  • Disassembles system/subsystem
  • Inspects system/subsystem components
  • Renews or replace damaged components
  • Reassembles system/subsystem
  • Tests system/subsystem
  • Returns system to operational status

Respond to alarm

  • acknowledge the alarm
  • confirm alarm condition
  • assess cause of alarm condition
  • take corrective action


  • Obtains permission to take equipment out of service
  • Verifies that equipment to be taken out of service is not carrying any load
  • Follows established procedure to shut down and secure the unit
  • Notifies watch, or makes appropriate entries into logbook

Shift / Change over

  • Starts oncoming unit if necessary
  • Places oncoming unit into service while simultaneously unloading the offgoing unit
  • Secures the offgoing unit
  • Maintains system operation continuously
  • Notifies watch, or makes appropriate entries into logbook


  • Reviews starting instructions
  • Obtains permission to start equipment
  • Makes overall safety and readiness inspection
  • Checks and replenishes lubricants as required
  • Verifies availability of support services: electricity, air, coolant, etc.
  • Follows established procedure to bring equipment from non-running to idling status


  • Visually follows piping system to determine source/destination
  • Identifies piping system components
  • States direction of flow within piping system
  • Ascertains position of piping system valves


  • Gathers symptoms/evidence indicating problem
  • Forms hypothesis of problem cause based on knowledge of system/subsystem
  • Uses direct observation or test instruments to confirm or reject hypothesis
  • Repeats until cause of trouble is identified

Use tools

  • Selects appropriate tool for the job
  • Uses tool in the manner in which it was designed
  • Demonstrates safe work practices
  • Returns tools to proper location when finished

Performance standards

A student will be considered to be performing at standard and to have "passed" the assessment when a average score of 70 or greater is achieved using this rating scale on each element or subtask of the assessment criteria associated with a task.



exceeds defined outcomes.

  • Descriptions and performance are correct, complete and exceptionally thorough.
  • Plans and solves problems effectively and creatively in a self- directed manner.
  • Tools, materials and/ or processes are selected and used efficiently, effectively and with confidence.
  • Quality, particularly details and finishes, and productivity are consistent and exceed standards.


meets defined outcomes.

  • Descriptions and performance are correct and complete without prompting.
  • Plans and solves problems in a self-directed manner.
  • Tools, materials and/ or processes are selected and used efficiently and effectively.
  • Quality and productivity are consistent.


meets defined outcomes.

  • Descriptions and performance are correct and complete with minor prompting.
  • Plans and solves problems with limited assistance.
  • Tools, materials and/or processes are selected and used appropriately.
  • Quality and productivity are reasonably consistent.


meets defined outcomes.

  • Descriptions and performance are generally correct after minor prompting, but may contain slight errors or omissions.
  • Follows a guided plan of action, or requires significant assistance to plan and solve problems.
  • A limited range of tools, materials and/or processes is used appropriately.
  • Quality and productivity are reasonably consistent.
  • Works cooperatively.


does not meet defined outcomes.

  • Descriptions or performance are incorrect or incomplete, even after minor prompting.
  • Tools, materials and/ or processes are used inappropriately.
  • Quality and production are poor.
  • Unsafe situations are created.