First Aid / CPR
Course Description
Provides minimum standard of competence in elementary first aid (Table A-VI/1-3). A component of Basic Safety Training certification. Also provides American Red Cross First Aid/CPR certification.
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:
- BFA-X1.1 Assessment of needs of casualties and threats to own safety
- BFA-X1.2 Appreciation of body structure and functions
- BFA-X1.3 Position casualty
- BFA-X1.3 Apply resuscitation techniques
- BFA-X1.3 Control bleeding
- BFA-X1.3 Apply appropriate measures of basic shock management
- BFA-X1.3 Apply appropriate measures in event of burns and scalds, including accidents caused by electric current
- BFA-X1.3 Rescue and transport a casualty
- BFA-X1.3 Improvise bandages and use materials in the emergency kit
- OICEW-D8.3 Knowledge of elementary first aid
- OICNW-C8.3 Knowledge of elementary first aid
- SC-RB-X5.1 Use of the first-aid kit and resuscitation techniques
- SC-RB-X5.2 Management of injured persons, including control of bleeding and shock
Demonstrate proficiency in the following skills: