MMA T.S. Patriot State Weather
Weather Data for 2/5/98

Start09 19.06N78 51.5
End 09 27.0N74 55.0

    TIME    TEMP     %RH   DewPt  BarPres RelWDir RelWSpd  Solar
    0:00   78.20   79.00   71.00   29.72  297.00   16.90    0.00
    0:30   78.60   78.00   71.00   29.71  319.00   21.40    0.00
    1:00   78.60   80.00   71.70   29.70  261.00   13.10    0.00
    1:30   78.20   79.00   71.00   29.69  272.00    4.20    0.00
    2:00   78.00   79.00   70.80   29.73  282.00    2.70    0.00
    2:30   77.70   80.00   71.00   29.76  295.00   10.60    0.00
    3:00   79.50   76.00   71.20   29.75  316.00   19.10    0.00
    3:30   80.40   73.00   70.80   29.74  303.00   43.60    0.00
    4:00   80.20   74.00   71.00   29.73  305.00   38.20    0.00
    4:30   79.80   74.00   70.70   29.75  277.00   38.90    0.00
    5:00   80.00   73.00   70.50   29.75  152.00   23.30    0.00
    5:30   80.00   74.00   70.80   29.76  350.00   25.10    0.00
    6:00   79.80   73.00   70.30   29.78  239.00   22.10    0.00
    6:30   80.00   73.00   70.50   29.79  186.00   21.00    0.00
    7:00   79.80   71.00   69.60   29.80   54.00   23.60   34.00
    7:30   80.20   70.00   69.40   29.81  290.00   18.80  150.00
    8:00   80.60   70.00   69.80   29.82  248.00   25.00  256.00
    8:30   80.90   71.00   70.50   29.83  230.00   20.40  330.00
    9:00   81.10   69.00   69.90   29.84  216.00   25.90  430.00
    9:30   81.50   71.00   71.00   29.85  999.00   23.00  502.00
   10:00   81.30   72.00   71.40   29.85   10.00   17.60  562.00
   10:30   81.10   73.00   71.60   29.85  320.00   26.50  572.00
   11:00   81.10   72.00   71.20   29.84  291.00   36.90  668.00
   11:30   81.30   73.00   71.70   29.83  234.00   29.30  606.00
   12:00   81.60   73.00   72.10   29.82  175.00   22.40  804.00
   12:30   81.30   74.00   72.10   29.82   32.00   22.30  436.00
   13:00   80.90   74.00   71.70   29.81  306.00   23.50  366.00
   13:30   79.50   71.00   69.20   29.94  999.00   22.30  284.00
   14:00   83.10   67.00   70.80   29.79  360.00    9.80  342.00
   14:30   84.30   66.00   71.70   29.78   54.00    3.00  240.00
   15:00   84.00   65.00   70.80   29.78  227.00   15.60  352.00
   15:30   81.60   71.00   71.20   29.78  235.00   14.10  428.00
   16:00   81.60   70.00   70.80   29.79  999.00   13.30  474.00
   16:30   81.10   72.00   71.20   29.78  999.00   13.50  176.00
   17:00   77.50   70.00   66.90   30.22  999.00   17.10   28.00
   17:30   78.60   72.00   68.70   30.09  999.00   16.50   28.00
   18:00   80.70   73.00   71.20   29.79  999.00   16.80    0.00
   18:30   80.90   74.00   71.70   29.79  999.00   13.00    0.00
   19:00   80.90   74.00   71.70   29.80  999.00    6.80    0.00
   19:30   80.60   76.00   72.10   29.80  999.00   19.80    0.00
   20:00   80.60   76.00   72.10   29.80  218.00   20.90    0.00
   20:30   80.90   74.00   71.70   29.80  200.00   11.60    0.00
   21:00   80.90   74.00   71.70   29.83  222.00   20.30    0.00
   21:30   81.30   73.00   71.70   29.83  173.00    7.80    0.00
   22:00   81.10   74.00   71.90   29.83  203.00   12.20    0.00
   22:30   81.10   74.00   71.90   29.83  191.00   17.80    0.00
   23:00   80.00   74.00   70.80   29.83  257.00   16.00    0.00
   23:30   79.50   76.00   71.20   29.84  306.00    6.00    0.00

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