MMA T.S. Patriot State Weather
Weather Data for 1/17/98

Start13 51.677 31.6
End 10 10.479 37.0

    TIME    TEMP     %RH   DewPt  BarPres RelWDir RelWSpd  Solar
    0:00   80.00   80.00   73.20   29.88  291.00    5.70    0.00
    0:30   80.20   81.00   73.70   29.87  216.00    6.00    0.00
    1:00   80.20   80.00   73.40   29.86  235.00   13.10    0.00
    1:30   80.20   80.00   73.40   29.85  251.00   15.10    0.00
    2:00   80.20   80.00   73.40   29.85  232.00   11.40    0.00
    2:30   80.20   79.00   73.00   29.84  292.00    3.00    0.00
    3:00   80.60   78.00   73.00   29.83  224.00   11.30    0.00
    3:30   80.40   79.00   73.20   29.83  243.00    9.60    0.00
    4:00   80.40   78.00   72.80   29.83  230.00    8.70    0.00
    4:30   80.20   77.00   72.30   29.83  249.00   19.60    0.00
    5:00   80.20   77.00   72.30   29.83    7.00    3.60    0.00
    5:30   80.00   78.00   72.50   29.84  268.00    5.40    0.00
    6:00   80.20   79.00   73.00   29.84  231.00   12.00    0.00
    6:30   80.20   78.00   72.60   29.85  257.00   24.60    0.00
    7:00   80.60   78.00   73.00   29.86  242.00   13.20   44.00
    7:30   81.10   78.00   73.50   29.86  225.00   12.80  150.00
    8:00   82.00   77.00   73.90   29.86  236.00   14.70  240.00
    8:30   82.90   74.00   73.70   29.87  208.00   18.40  334.00
    9:00   84.70   72.00   74.60   29.88  219.00   14.70  416.00
    9:30   85.40   71.00   74.80   29.88  232.00   13.60  518.00
   10:00   83.40   74.00   74.30   29.89  193.00   15.80  588.00
   10:30   85.40   68.00   73.50   29.89  170.00   11.80  656.00
   11:00   86.30   64.00   72.60   29.88  215.00    9.80  668.00
   11:30   87.20   63.00   73.00   29.88  213.00    8.80  710.00
   12:00   87.00   63.00   72.80   29.87  212.00   11.10  720.00
   12:30   86.90   62.00   72.10   29.86  260.00    6.70  586.00
   13:00   87.00   64.00   73.40   29.85  191.00    4.30  564.00
   13:30   86.70   66.00   73.90   29.82  208.00    8.70  314.00
   14:00   86.50   66.00   73.70   29.81  192.00    4.10  498.00
   14:30   86.90   65.00   73.50   29.80  178.00    6.70  618.00
   15:00   86.10   67.00   73.70   29.80  195.00    6.20  518.00
   15:30   85.80   67.00   73.50   29.79  209.00    8.40  472.00
   16:00   85.40   66.00   72.60   29.79  191.00    9.10  396.00
   16:30   84.90   65.00   71.70   29.79  166.00    9.50   52.00
   17:00   84.70   68.00   72.80   29.80  142.00    7.10   84.00
   17:30   81.80   75.00   73.00   29.79  261.00   23.80  148.00
   18:00   81.10   74.00   71.90   29.80  101.00   34.50    0.00
   18:30   81.10   74.00   71.90   29.80  308.00   36.10    0.00
   19:00   80.90   73.00   71.40   29.81  141.00   20.40    0.00
   19:30   82.00   71.00   71.60   29.82   23.00   13.20    0.00
   20:00   83.30   70.00   72.30   29.83   24.00   11.70    0.00
   20:30   82.00   73.00   72.50   29.83   54.00    6.70    0.00
   21:00   82.50   71.00   72.10   29.84   20.00   13.50    0.00
   21:30   82.50   70.00   71.70   29.85   13.00   12.10    0.00
   22:00   82.50   70.00   71.70   29.85   37.00    8.10    0.00
   22:30   82.00   72.00   71.90   29.85   29.00    9.30    0.00
   23:00   82.40   70.00   71.60   29.84  117.00    5.00    0.00
   23:30   81.80   70.00   71.00   29.84   17.00    7.00    0.00

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