MMA T.S. Patriot State Weather
Weather Data for 2/8/98

Start14 27.677 08.9
End 16 02.674 45.4

    TIME    TEMP     %RH   DewPt  BarPres RelWDir RelWSpd  Solar
    0:00   78.40   69.00   67.20   29.89  235.00    0.00    0.00
    0:30   78.20   69.00   67.10   29.89  243.00    0.00    0.00
    1:00   78.00   69.00   66.90   29.89  251.00    0.00    0.00
    1:30   77.90   69.00   66.70   29.88  243.00    0.00    0.00
    2:00   77.70   65.00   64.90   29.88  238.00    0.00    0.00
    2:30   77.70   66.00   65.30   29.87  242.00    0.00    0.00
    3:00   77.50   64.00   64.40   29.86  253.00    0.00    0.00
    3:30   77.30   66.00   64.90   29.86  228.00    0.00    0.00
    4:00   77.30   65.00   64.50   29.86  233.00    0.00    0.00
    4:30   77.30   67.00   65.40   29.88  245.00    0.00    0.00
    5:00   77.10   63.00   63.50   29.88  227.00    0.00    0.00
    5:30   77.30   67.00   65.40   29.88  233.00    0.00    0.00
    6:00   77.30   63.00   63.60   29.88  230.00    0.00    0.00
    6:30   77.30   62.00   63.30   29.91  223.00    0.00    0.00
    7:00   77.30   62.00   63.30   29.91  223.00    0.00   34.00
    7:30   77.50   63.00   63.80   29.92  235.00    0.00   88.00
    8:00   77.50   60.00   62.40   29.93  226.00    0.00  288.00
    8:30   80.90   57.00   64.20   29.94  200.00    0.00  372.00
    9:00   78.20   58.00   62.20   29.94  229.00    0.00  472.00
    9:30   78.20   63.00   64.50   29.95  218.00    0.00  546.00
   10:00   81.30   59.00   65.40   29.96  186.00    0.00  388.00
   10:30   82.20   59.00   66.30   29.95  187.00    0.00  658.00
   11:00   81.50   57.00   64.70   30.05  188.00    0.00  620.00
   11:30   81.80   58.00   65.40   29.98  191.00    0.00  514.00
   12:00   82.40   58.00   66.00   29.92  175.00    0.00  700.00
   12:30   82.20   58.00   65.80   29.91   83.00    0.00  744.00
   13:00   83.30   57.00   66.30   29.91  214.00    0.00  710.00
   13:30   83.10   57.00   66.20   29.89  145.00    0.00  678.00
   14:00   83.60   53.00   64.50   29.88  162.00    0.00  648.00
   14:30   83.80   56.00   66.30   29.87  158.00    0.00  670.00
   15:00   82.70   56.00   65.30   29.87  236.00    0.00  388.00
   15:30   83.40   57.00   66.50   29.86  169.00    0.00  488.00
   16:00   82.90   57.00   66.00   29.86  256.00    0.00  414.00
   16:30   83.10   57.00   66.20   29.86  104.00    0.00  346.00
   17:00   82.20   58.00   65.80   29.86  182.00    0.00  248.00
   17:30   81.30   60.00   66.00   29.87  136.00    0.00  128.00
   18:00   80.00   62.00   65.80   29.87  104.00    0.00    0.00
   18:30   79.70   61.00   64.90   29.88  136.00    0.00    0.00
   19:00   79.10   59.00   63.50   29.87  171.00    0.00    0.00
   19:30   77.70   60.00   62.60   29.89  230.00    0.00    0.00
   20:00   77.90   59.00   62.40   29.90  229.00    0.00    0.00
   20:30   77.70   60.00   62.60   29.91  213.00    0.00    0.00
   21:00   77.30   61.00   62.70   29.92  209.00    0.00    0.00
   21:30   77.70   59.00   62.20   29.93  192.00    0.00    0.00
   22:00   77.50   60.00   62.40   29.92  140.00    0.00    0.00
   22:30   77.30   59.00   61.80   29.93  104.00    0.00    0.00
   23:00   77.50   62.00   63.50   29.92  118.00    0.00    0.00
   23:30   77.00   70.00   66.30   29.92  354.00    0.00    0.00

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