Prev: ST-0999M
Sea Term I (EM Portion)
Course Description
Sea Term I is a common Sea Term for Freshmen. It provides an introduction to Marine Transportation, Marine Engineering, Marine Safety and Environmental Protection, International Maritime Business, and Emergency Management. All cadets will stand Bridge and Engine Room watches and receive training in basic Deck and Engine skills that will be utilized by all graduates regardless of major. All cadets will participate in maintenance of the vessel: Deck, Engine, and Stewards. Cadets will also have the opportunity to visit foreign and domestic ports.
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:
- OICNW-A5.1 Precautions for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations
- PS-SR-X6.1 Importance of obtaining the necessary rest
- PS-SR-X6.2 Effects of sleep, schedules, and the circadian rhythm on fatigue
- PS-SR-X6.3 Effects of physical stressors on seafarers
- PS-SR-X6.4 Effects of environmental stressors in and outside the ship and their impact on seafarers
- PS-SR-X6.5 Effects of schedule changes on seafarer fatigue
- Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- Video - History of Bio-Chemical weapons
- Infectious Agents
- Anthrax Presentation
- Biological/Chemical Exercise
- Risk Management
- Fatigue
- Hurricane Katrina Exercise
- Video: “Day After Disaster”
- Radiological Materials
- Shielding Exercise
- Bomb Search Exercise