Course Description
Provides minimum standard of competence in fire prevention and fire fighting. Instruction and practical training in the use of fire extinguishers, hoses and self-contained breathing apparatus. Emphasis on the chemistry of a fire and emergency evacuation. A component of Basic Safety Training and a component of four year's training for Basic and Advanced Firefighting certification (Table A-VI/3). Instruction in fire behavior, fire attacks, personal protective equipment and fire fighting equipment on ship. Practical training on site at the Barnstable training site.
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following STCW elements:
- AFF-X1.01 Fire-fighting procedures at sea and in port, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command
- AFF-X1.02 Use of water for fire-extinguishing, the effect on ship stability, precautions and corrective procedures
- AFF-X1.03 Communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations
- AFF-X1.04 Ventilation control, including smoke extraction
- AFF-X1.05 Control of fuel and electrical systems
- AFF-X1.06 Fire-fighting process hazards (dry distillation, chemical reactions, boiler uptake fires, etc.)
- AFF-X1.07 Fire fighting involving dangerous goods
- AFF-X1.08 Fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials (paints, etc.)
- AFF-X1.09 Management and control of injured persons
- AFF-X1.10 Procedures for coordination with shore-based fire fighters
- AFF-X2.1 Preparation of contingency plans for fire parties
- AFF-X2.2 Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties
- AFF-X2.3 Strategies and tactics for control of fires in various parts of the ship
- AFF-X3.1 Fire-detection systems
- AFF-X3.1 fixed fire-extinguishing systems
- AFF-X3.1 portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equipment
- AFF-X3.1 appliances, pumps and rescue, salvage, life-support, personal protective and communication equipment
- AFF-X3.2 Requirements for statutory and classification surveys
- AFF-X4.1 Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire
- FF-X1.3 The elements of fire and explosion (the fire triangle)
- FF-X1.4 Types and sources of ignition
- FF-X1.5 Flammable materials, fire hazards and spread of fire
- FF-X1.6 The need for constant vigilance
- FF-X1.7 Actions to be taken on board ship
- FF-X1.8 Fire and smoke detection and automatic alarm systems
- FF-X1.9 Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents
- FF-X2.2 fire-fighter’s outfits
- FF-X2.2 personal equipment
- FF-X2.2 fire-fighting appliances and equipment
- FF-X2.2 fire-fighting methods
- FF-X2.2 fire-fighting agents
- FF-X2.2 fire-fighting procedures
- FF-X2.2 use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires and effecting rescues
- OICEW-D3.1 Ability to organize fire drills
- OICEW-D3.2 Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
- OICEW-D3.3 Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
- OICEW-D3.4 Action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
- OICEW-D8.2 Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
- OICNW-C3.1 Ability to organize fire drills
- OICNW-C3.2 Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
- OICNW-C3.3 Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
- OICNW-C3.4 Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
- OICNW-C8.2 Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
- RFPEW-A3.3 Familiarity with use of fire-fighting equipment
- T-OPS-X4.1 Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
- T-OPS-X4.2 Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquids in bulk
- T-OPS-X4.3 Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
- T-OPS-X4.4 Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
- T-OPS-X4.5 Portable fire-fighting foam operations
- T-OPS-X4.6 Fixed dry chemical system operations
- T-OPS-X4.7 Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:
- FF-1 Use various types of portable fire extinguishers to extinguish smaller fires.
- FF-2 Use self-contained breathing apparatus
- FF-3 Extinguish extensive fires with water, using jet and spray nozzles
- FF-4 Extinguish fires with foam, powder or any other suitable chemical agent
- FF-5 Extinguish fire with water fog
- FF-6 Extinguish oil fire
- FF-7 Effect a rescue