BRM Condition II or III – error trapping

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Competence Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency Task

Maintain a safe navigational watch

A2.7 Bridge resource management

Knowledge of bridge resource management principles, including:

  1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
  2. effective communication
  3. assertiveness and leadership
  4. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
  5. consideration of team experience

BRM Condition II or III – error trapping

Assessed in: MT-4253 Watchkeeping using Full-Mission Bridge Simulator


On a ship at sea or a full mission ship simulator during an exercise at sea, and with a bridge team in place for navigating in congested near coastal waters with or without reduced visibility, and assigned duties as an officer in a Bridge Team, when one of the following occur:

  1. an incorrect rudder order is given;
  2. a rudder or engine command is not given at the proper time;
  3. a navigational aid is misidentified;
  4. the vessel’s position is improperly fixed; or
  5. a target vessel’s movements are improperly stated.


Monitor vessel’s movement, recognize erroneously stated information about the vessel’s position or a target vessels movement, and notify the conning officer of specific questions regarding the vessel’s situation.


  1. The misinformation or command error was detected within time to prevent placing vessel into danger.