Position fix by magnetic compass bearings

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Competence Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency Task

Plan and conduct a passage and determine position

A1.07 Ability to determine errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses, using celestial and terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors

Position fix by magnetic compass bearings

Assessed in: MT-2121 Deep Sea Navigation


On a ship underway or a full mission ship simulator, or in a navigational laboratory, and given a deviation table.


Apply the compass error to the bearings by magnetic compass of at least two charted objects and plot them on the chart in use.


  1. Compass error is correctly applied to the magnetic bearings.
  2. The position is within ± 0.5 nm of the assessor’s position on a chart with a scale no smaller than 1:150,000.