Measure the altitude of the sun

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Competence Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency Task

Plan and conduct a passage and determine position

A1.01 Celestial Navigation

Ability to use celestial bodies to determine the ship’s position

Measure the altitude of the sun

Assessed in: MT-4371 Sea Term IV Deck


Aboard a ship at sea, given a standard marine sextant, a clear horizon, a visible sun, and an accurate time.


Measure the altitude of the lower limb of the sun and accurately record the time of the observation.


  1. The altitude is within ±1.0 minutes of arc, after correction for index error, as compared with the altitude measured by the assessor at the same time; and,
  2. The time is within ± 1 second of UTC at the time of observation as determined by the assessor.