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Checking an unconscious victim

Function: Provide medical first aid

Competence Knowledge, Understanding & Proficiency Task

Apply immediate first aid in the event of accident or illness on board

X1.04 Examination of casualty or patient

Checking an unconscious victim

Assessed in: PE-0032 STCW Medical Care Provider


Given a rescue breathing manikin


  1. Check consciousness by tapping a victim on the shoulder and shouting "Are you OK?"
  2. Call or have someone call 911 or the workplace emergency number.
  3. Check the victim's airway and breathing by looking, listening, and feeling for signs of breathing for about 10 seconds.
  4. If the victim is unconscious, but is breathing and shows signs of circulation, place him or her in the recovery position.
  5. Roll a victim who is facedown and not breathing to a face-up position.
  6. Tilt the victim's head back and lift the chin to open the airway. Look, listen, and feel for breathing for about 10 seconds.
  7. If the victim is not breathing, give 2 rescue breaths, each slow breath lasting about 1 seconds, until the victim's chest clearly rises and falls between breaths. Take a breath before giving each breath.


  1. Actions are correct, in the proper sequence, and represent good first-aid practice
  2. When rolling, victim's head and neck are supported and twisting movements are minimized.
  3. Risk of harm to self and others is minimized