MT-4241 - Stability and Trim

The expected outcome is that the student... Supports STCW elements...

TOPIC - Introduction to stability

  • defines and understands the following stability terms
    • initial stability
    • six motions of a vessel
    • centers of gravity and buoyancy
    • the couple
    • transverse metacenter
    • stable, neutral and unstable equilibrium
    • metacentric height
    • metacentric radius
    • stiff, tender or crank condition
  • defines the center of buoyancy (B) as being the center of the under-water volume of the ship
  • states that the force of buoyancy always acts vertically upwards
  • explains that the total force of buoyancy can be considered as a single force acting through B
  • explains that when the shape of the underwater volume of a ship changes the position of B also changes
  • states that the position of B will change when the draft changes and when heeling occurs
  • labels a diagram of a midship cross-section of an upright ship to show the weight acting through G and the buoyancy force acting through B
  • states that the buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the ship
  • labels a diagram of a midship cross-section of a ship heeled to a small angle to show the weight acting through G and the buoyancy force acting through B external force
  • describes stability as the ability of the ship to return to an upright position after being heeled by an external force
  • defines the lever GZ as the horizontal distance between the vertical forces acting through B and G
  • states that the forces of weight and buoyancy form a couple
  • states that the magnitude of the couple is displacement x lever, Displacement x GZ
  • explains how variations in displacement and GZ affect the stability of the ship
  • on a diagram of a heeled ship, shows:
    • the forces at B and G
    • the lever GZ
  • states that the length of GZ will be different at different angles of heel
  • states that if the couple Displacement X GZ tends to turn the ship towards the upright, the ship is stable
  • shows that for small angles of heel (ø), GZ = GM x sin ø
  • states that for a stable ship:
    • Displacement x GZ is called the righting moment
    • GZ is called the righting lever
  • states that it is common practice to describe the stability of a ship by its reaction to heeling to small angles (up to approximately 10°)
  • states that the value of GM is a useful guide to the stability of a ship
  • describes the effect on a ship's behavior of:
    • large GM (stiff ship)
    • small GM (tender ship)


TOPIC - Center of gravity (KG)

  • states that weight is the force of gravity on a mass and always acts vertically downwards
  • states that the total weight of a ship and all its contents can be considered to act at a point called the center of gravity (G)
  • states that the center of gravity (G) of a ship can move only when masses are moved within, added to, or removed from the ship
  • states that:
    • G moves directly towards the center of gravity of added masses
    • G moves directly away from the center of gravity of removed masses
    • G moves parallel to the path of movement of masses already on board
  • illustrates and demonstrates theory of moments to find KG
  • performs calculations find the vertical of the center of gravity resulting from adding, removing or moving masses
  • calculates, by using moments about the keel, the position of G after loading or discharging given masses at stated positions
  • illustrates and demonstrates theory of moments to find shift of G ( GG')
  • calculates shift of G ( GG') using theory of moments
  • states that if a load is lifted by using a ship's derrick or crane, the weight is immediately transferred to the point of suspension
  • states that if the point of suspension is moved horizontally, the center of gravity of the ship also moves horizontally
  • states that if the point of suspension is raised or lowered, the center of gravity of the ship is raised or lowered
  • calculates shift of G ( GG') with suspended weight using theory of moments
  • calculates the change in KG during a passage resulting from:
    • consumption of fuel and stores
    • absorption of water by a deck cargo
    • accretion of ice on decks and superstructures given the masses and their positions
  • defines and understands homogeneous and heterogeneous cargo layouts
  • understands the required accuracy for KG


TOPIC - Height of metacenter (KM)

  • defines the transverse metacenter (M) as the point of intersection of successive buoyancy force vectors as the angle of heel increases by a small angle
  • calculates center of buoyancy (KB)
  • identifies and understands metacentric radius (BM)
  • understands the importance of vessel breadth and initial stability
  • explains the relationship between TPI and area of the water plane
  • calculates metacentric radius (BM)
  • states that, for small angles of heel, M can be considered as a fixed point on the center line
  • on a diagram of a ship heeled to a small angle, indicates G, B, Z and M
  • shows on a given diagram of a stable ship that M must be above G and states that the metacentric height GM is taken as positive
  • uses hydrostatic curves to find the height of the metacenter above the keel (KM) at given drafts
  • states that KM is only dependent on the draft of a given ship
  • inspects Stability Booklet for content


TOPIC - Metacentric height (GM)

  • given the values of KG, uses the values of KM obtained from hydrostatic curves to find the metacentric heights, GM
  • states that the recommended initial GM differs with different types of vessels
  • defines natural and apparent rolling period
  • understands the dangers inherent in synchronous and forced rolling
  • understands the relationship of GM and rolling period
  • Describes the components of the empirical rolling period formula
  • calculates rolling period or value of GM by empirical rolling period formula
  • understands the effect of negative GM on a vessel
  • describes the short form method of calculating initial stability
  • identifies minimum GM as a function of displacement or mean draft using the Required GM Curve in the Stability Booklet


TOPIC - Inclining experiment

  • describes the inclining experiment, including required gear and data
  • derives formulae to interpret inclining experiment
  • shows on a diagram the forces which cause a ship to list when G is to one side of the center line
  • states that the listing moment is given by displacement x transverse distance of G from the center line
  • shows on a diagram that the angle of list (ø) is given by tan ø = GG'/(GM x Displacement) where GG' is the transverse shift of G from the center line
  • states that in a listed condition the range of stability is reduced
  • given the displacement, KM and KG of a ship, calculates the angle of list resulting from loading or discharging a given mass at a stated position, or from moving a mass through a given transverse distance
  • explains with reference to moments about the center line how the list may be removed
  • given the displacement, GM and the angle of list of a ship, calculates the mass to load or discharge at a given position to bring the ship upright
  • given the displacement, GM and angle of list of a ship, calculates the mass to move through a given transverse distance to bring the ship upright


TOPIC - Dynamic stability

  • states that righting arm alone can be used as an indication of stability
  • states that if initial stability, GM, of a vessel is improved, stability at any angle of inclination will also improve
  • states that for any one draft the lengths of GZ at various angles of heel can be drawn as a graph
  • identifies cross curves of stability and a curve of statical stability
  • states that different curves are obtained for different displacements with the same initial KG
  • draws statical stability curve from cross curves of stability
  • calculates correction for a vertical shift of G using the formula, GG' sin ø = change in GZ
  • calculates correction for a transverse shift of G using the formula, GG' cos ø = change in GZ
  • states that angles of heel beyond approximately 40° are not normally of practical interest because of the probability of water entering the ship at larger angles
  • analyzes a given curve of statical stability, to obtains:
    • initial slope of curve
    • angle of inclination for the maximum righting arm
    • importance of freeboard
    • angle of maximum list
    • dangerous angles of list and roll
    • the angle of vanishing stability
    • the range of stability
  • explains the causes, describes how to recognize and identifies the corrective measures for list caused by negative GM
  • explains the causes, describes how to recognize and identifies the corrective measures for lists caused by G being off the centerline


TOPIC - Free surface

  • states that if a tank is full of liquid, its effect on the position of the ship's center of gravity is the same as if the liquid were a solid of the same mass
  • shows by means of diagrams how the center of gravity of the liquid in a partly filled tank moves during rolling
  • states that when the surface of a liquid is free to move, there is a virtual increase in KG, resulting in a corresponding decrease in GM
  • states that the increase in KG is affected mainly by the breadth of the free surface and is not dependent upon the mass of liquid in the tank
  • states that tanks are often constructed with a longitudinal subdivision to reduce the breadth of free surface
  • states that free surface effects are increased or decreased depending upon the relationship between the specific gravity of the liquid in the tank and the liquid the vessel is floating in
  • calculates specific gravity correction (r)
  • describes the impact of:
    • the displacement on free surface effects
    • the beam of slack tank on free surface effects
  • calculates free surface corrections
  • uses free surface constants in stability booklet long forms
  • understands the application of free surface corrections to initial stability
  • understands the proper position of cross-connection valves for deep tanks relative to damage stability as a function of tank vertical position and percentage full


TOPIC - Trim

  • defines the following elements of longitudinal stability
    • trim
    • longitudinal center of gravity (LCG)
    • longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB)
    • longitudinal center of flotation (LCF)
    • parallel sinkage
    • change of trim
    • moment to trim one inch (MT1)
  • states that trim may be changed by moving masses already on board forward or aft, or by adding or removing masses at a position forward of or abaft the center of flotation
  • defines "center of flotation" as the point about which the ship trims, and states that it is sometimes called the tipping center
  • states that the center of flotation is situated at the center of area of the waterplane, which may be forward of or abaft amidships
  • uses hydrostatic data to find the position of the center of flotation for various drafts
  • defines a trimming moment as mass added or removed x its distance forward or aft of the center of flotation; or, for masses already on board, as mass moved x the distance moved forward or aft
  • defines the moment to change trim by 1 inch (MT1) as the moment about the center of flotation necessary to change the trim of a ship by 1 inch
  • uses hydrostatic curves or deadweight scale to find the MT1 for various drafts
  • calculates the change in trim given the value of MT1, weights moved and the distances moved forward or aft,
  • calculates the change of trim given the value of MT1, the position of the center of flotation, masses added or removed and their distances forward of or abaft the center of flotation,
  • calculates parallel sinkage to find the new drafts given initial drafts, weight to be loaded or discharged, and TPI
  • calculates new drafts given initial drafts, weight to be loaded or discharged, TPI, and the position of the center of flotation
  • uses a trimming table to determine changes in draft resulting from loading, discharging or moving weights
  • states that in cases where the change of mean draught is large, calculation of change of trim by taking moments about the center of flotation or by means of trimming tables should not be used
  • calculates final drafts and trim for a planned loading by LCG method of trim calculation


TOPIC - Angle of loll

  • shows that if G is raised above M, the couple formed by the weight and buoyancy force will turn the ship further from the upright
  • states that in this condition, GM is said to be negative and Displacement x GZ is called the upsetting moment or capsizing moment
  • explains how B may move sufficiently to reduce the capsizing moment to zero at some angle of heel
  • states that the angle at which the ship becomes stable is known as the angle of loll
  • states that the ship will roll about the angle of loll instead of the upright
  • states that an unstable ship may loll to either side
  • explains why the condition of loll is potentially dangerous


TOPIC - Damaged stability

  • lists the types of damaged condition
  • states that flooding should be contained by prompt closing of watertight doors, valves and any other openings which could lead to flooding of other compartments
  • states that cross-flooding arrangements, where they exist, should be put into operation immediately to limit the resulting list
  • states that any action which could stop or reduce the inflow of water should be taken
  • understands the dangerous effect of free communication with the sea
  • understands the effects of flooding on transverse stability
  • explains remedial measures to improve transverse stability
  • describes the lost buoyancy method of calculating effect of flooding on transverse stability
  • describes the added weight method of calculating effect of flooding on transverse stability
  • understands when to use the lost buoyancy method and when to use the added weight method
  • understands when intact buoyancy is an asset and when it is a liability
  • defines grounding force and understands its effect on KG
  • understands and can explain reserve buoyancy, floodable length, permeability
  • understands the need for:
    • establishing flooding boundaries
    • restoring reserve buoyancy
    • restoring stability
