MT-4122 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System II

The expected outcome is that the student... Supports STCW elements...

TOPIC - GMDSS Communications System


TOPIC - Purpose and use of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Facilities

  • Describes and demonstrates basic functions of DSC, such as:
    • lists DSC message types
    • describes DSC call format
    • describes frequency selection in call format
    • describes call acknowledgment
    • describes call relay process
  • Describes and demonstrates call format specifies and types of call
    • distress call
    • all ships call
    • call to individual station
    • geographic area call
    • group call
    • call to individual station using automatic service
  • Describes the Maritime Mobile Service Identify (MMSI) and the selection of MMSI for calling
    • describes the MMSI format and its relation to the INMARSAT MESIN
    • describes Maritime Identification Digits (MID)
    • describes ship station identification number
    • describes group calling numbers
    • describes coast station numbers
    • demonstrates ability to use publication to find MMSI of specific station
  • Lists priority and categories of calls:
    • describes distress calls
    • describes urgency call
    • describes safety call describes ship business call
    • describes routine call
  • Describes and demonstrates call tele-command and traffic information
    • distress alerts
    • distress categories
    • distress coordinates
    • time and validity of distress coordinates
    • other calls and message
    • describes working frequency and channel selection
  • Describes DSC facilities and usage:
    • describes channel 70 operation
    • describes the HF
    • describes the MF
    • describes manual selection of modes for further communication
    • describes methods of DSC data entry, including:
      • updating vessel position
      • entering preset message
      • reviewing received messages
      • DSC watchkeeping functions and controls

TOPIC - Genera Principles of Narrow Band and Direct Printing (NBDP)

  • Describes and demonstrates NBDP systems
    • automatic systems
    • semi automatic systems
    • manual systems
    • acknowledge/request (ARQ) mode
    • forward error correction (FEC) mode
    • information sending/receiving
    • shore and ship station procedures
    • selcall numbers for ship and coast stations
    • answer back procedures
    • controls and indicators
    • keyboard operation

TOPIC - Knowledge and Use of INMARSAT Systems

  • Describes INMARSAT satellite systems and network
  • Describes INMARSAT A, B and C ship earth station (SES)
    • methods of satellite acquisition
    • telex services
    • telephone services
    • data and facsimile communications
  • Describes and demonstrates INMARSAT Enhanced Group Calling Service (EGC)
    • safety net and fleetnet facilities
    • programming a SES for EGC and safety net reception
    • updating ships position manually and automatically
    • selecting mode for EGC reception
  • Describes and demonstrates an INMARSAT C ship earth station
    • components of an INMARSAT C SES
    • entering/updating ships position
    • usage of an INMARSAT C SES
    • sending and receiving text messages
  • Describes and demonstrates the purpose and use of watchkeeping receivers
    • the controls and usage of 2182 kHz watch receiver
    • the controls and usage of VHF DSC watch receiver
    • the controls and usage of MF/HF watch receiver and MF/HF DSC watch receiver
  • Describes the usage and functions of the VHF installations
    • usage of controls
    • selection of channels
    • DSC facilities
  • Describe and demonstrates the usage and functions of the MF/HF installation
    • use and selection of frequencies
    • use and function of controls
    • connection of power
    • selecting RX frequency
    • selecting TX frequency
    • selecting ITU channel number
    • tuning the transmitter
    • selecting class of emission
    • using clarifier or RX fine tuning
    • controlling RF gain
    • using automatic gain control (AGC)
    • using 2182 kHz instant selector
    • testing the alarm generator
    • using the alarm generator
    • selection of TX power level
  • Describes and demonstrates survival craft radio equipment
    • portable two-way VHF transceivers
    • emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB)
  • Describes basic antenna systems
    • isolators
    • VHF whip antennas
    • MF/HF whip antennas
    • MF/HF wire antennas
    • construction of an emergency antenna
    • satellite antennas
  • Describes and demonstrates battery storage systems
    • different types of batteries
    • characteristics of different types
    • charging of batteries
    • battery charging methods
    • maintenance and monitoring of batteries

TOPIC - Knowledge and Practical Use of Ship Station Equipment

TOPIC - Fault location and rectification on marine electronic equipment

  • Demonstrates proficiency in basic fault diagnosis
    • use of manufacturers documentation to locate faults
    • use of built in test facilities
    • replacement of fuses and indicator lamps

TOPIC - Other GMDSS equipment


TOPIC - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs)

  • Describes Cospas Sarsat satellite system and EPIRBs
    • describes basic operation of Cospas Sarsat satellite system
    • describes operation of a 406 MHz EPIRB
    • describes information content of a distress alert
    • describes registration and coding of an EPIRB
    • describes or demonstrates manual operation
    • describes or demonstrates float free function
    • describes or demonstrates correct use of the lanyard
    • describes or demonstrates routine maintenance:
      • testing requirement and test operation
      • checking battery expiration date
      • cleaning/checking float free mechanism
  • Describes INMARSAT E EPIRB system
    • basic operation of the system on 1.6 GHz
    • information content of a distress alert
    • registration and coding
    • manual operation
    • float free function
    • correct use the lanyard
    • routine maintenance
    • testing requirement and test operation
    • checking battery expiration date
    • cleaning/checking float free mechanism
  • Describes and demonstrates precautions taken to avoid false alerts
    • handling
    • transportation, shipping, precautions off vessel
  • Describes additional EPIRB features
    • MHz SAR homing function
    • strobe lights

TOPIC - Search and Rescue Transponder (SART)

  • Describes the operation of SART
    • list main technical details relevant to operation
    • operating height and range and proper deployment
    • effect of radar reflector
    • indication on SAR vessels radar screen
    • testing of SART
    • routine maintenance
    • checking battery expiration date
    • describe required radar adjustments necessary to receive SART

TOPIC - Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Services

  • Describes services available and methods of transmission
    • MSI by satellite
    • MSI by MF and HF
    • MSI by HF telex
    • the NAVTEX system
    • operation of the NAVTEX system receiver
    • frequencies
    • coverage areas of transmissions
    • range of transmitters
    • message format and identification
    • selection of transmitters
    • selection of message types
    • message types which cannot be rejected
    • use of controls and changing paper

TOPIC - Distress alerting


TOPIC - Search and Rescue Operation (SAR)

  • Describes the role of Rescue coordinating centers (RCC)
    • knowledge of SAR systems worldwide
    • knowledge of SAR system interconnect interconnection
  • Describes the role of SAR resources
    • merchant ship search and rescue manual (MERSAR) etc.
  • Describe the role and the method of use of ship reporting systems for example, AMVER ,ausrep, Japanese system, etc.

TOPIC - GMDSS Terrestrial Distress Urgency Safety Communication Procedures

  • Describes and demonstrates distress communications and DSC alerts
    • the definitions of a distress alert
    • transmission of a distress alert
    • transmission of a shore to ship distress alert relay
    • transmission of a distress alert by a station not itself in distress (Distress relay by ship)
    • receipt and knowledge of a DSC distress alert
    • acknowledgment by radiotelephony
    • acknowledgment by NBDP
    • receipt and acknowledgment by a shore station
    • receipt and acknowledgment by a ship station
    • preparations for handling distress traffic
    • distress traffic terminology
    • on scene communications
    • related SAR operations
  • Describes and demonstrates urgency and safety communications by DSC
    • the meaning of urgency and safety communications
    • procedures for DSC urgency and safety calls
    • urgency communications
    • medical transports
    • safety communications
  • Describes and demonstrates communications by radiotelephony in a distress, urgency and safety situation
    • the radiotelephone 2182 kHz alarm signal
    • the distress signal
    • the distress call
    • the distress message
    • acknowledgment of distress message
    • distress traffic terminology
    • transmission of a distress message by a station not itself in distress request for medical advice
  • Describes and demonstrates communications by radio telex in a distress, urgency, and safety situation
    • The distress message
    • acknowledgment of distress message
    • distress traffic terminology
    • transmission of a distress message by a station not itself in distress
    • request for medical advice

TOPIC - Satellite Distress Urgency and Safety Communication Procedures in the GMDSS

  • Describes and demonstrates the INMARSAT A/B ship earth station alerting functions
    • distress urgency and safety procedures
    • methods of initiating alerts
    • satellite acquisition
    • telex and telephony distress calls
    • telex and telephone urgency and safety calls
    • procedures for preparation of calls
    • details of rescue coordinating centers (RCCs)associated with Coast Earth Stations (CESs)
  • Describes and demonstrates INMARSAT C ship earth station alerting functions
    • distress urgency and safety procedures
    • methods of initiating an alert
    • satellite acquisition
    • sending a distress priority message
    • describe INMARSAT C safety services
    • list two digit special access codes and their purpose

TOPIC - Protection of Distress Frequencies

  • Describes methods of preventing false alerts
  • Describes procedures to minimize the effect of a false alert
  • Describes testing procedures
  • States prohibitions on transmissions during distress traffic
  • States procedures to avoid harmful interference
  • States regulations regarding unauthorized transmissions
  • States guard bands protecting distress frequencies

TOPIC - Miscellaneous skills and operational procedures for general communications


TOPIC - Ability to Use the English Language, Written and Spoken, for the Exchange of Communications Relevant to the Safety of Life at Sea

  • Explains the use of the International Code of Signals and the IMO Standard Marine Vocabulary
  • States recognized standard abbreviations and commonly used service codes
  • Describes use of International Phonetic Alphabet

TOPIC - Obligatory Procedures and Practices

  • Explains the use of obligatory documents and publications
    • detail methods of updating information
  • Describes procedures for radio recordkeeping
    • detail logbook requirements and mandatory entries
  • Demonstrates a knowledge of the regulations and agreements governing the maritime mobile service and the maritime mobile satellite service

TOPIC - Practical and Theoretical Knowledge of General Communications Procedures

  • Describes and demonstrates selection of appropriate communication methods in different situations.
    • use of documentation to determine frequencies, etc.
    • use of propagation tables
  • Describes and demonstrates use of documentation to receive traffic lists and meteorological information
  • Describes procedures for radio telephone calls
    • method of calling coast station by radiotelephone
    • ordering for a manually switched link call
    • termination of call
    • special facilities and services available
    • methods of calling a coast station by DSC
    • selecting an automatic radiotelephone calling system
  • Describes details of a radio telegram
    • component parts of a radio telegram
    • the preamble
    • service instructions
    • accounting code authority (AAIC)
    • the address
    • the text
    • the signature
    • types of addressing available
    • full address
    • registered address
    • telex address
    • counting of words
    • transmission of telegram by radiotelephony
    • transmission of telegram by radiotelex
  • Describes methods of charging (paying)
    • international charging systems
    • INMARSAT charging systems
    • the AAIC and use of documentation to determine
    • the meaning of landline, coast station and ship station charge
    • currencies used in charging and conversion
    • gold francs and special drawing rights, etc.