MMA Questions for 30 January 1998

January 30 1998

Patriot State Quiz

Today's Question, No.1: Math

Mercury is a very dense liquid used as the standard for atmospheric pressure. On a standard day, the atmosphere pressing on one square inch in a tube of mercury would push the mercury up the tube to a height of 760 millimeters or 29.92 inches. If water was substituted for mercury, how high up the tube would a standard atmosphere push the water? (hint: specific gravity of mercury is 13.54...water is 1.0)

Today's Question, No.2: Science

The earth's atmosphere is divided into layers. How many are they? Name them.

Today's Question, No.3: Geography

Name the international road system that extends from Canada to Santiago,Chile. How long is it? When was it constructed?

Today's Question, No.4: History

Name the ancient Indian civilization that controlled most of Central America and developed a highly accurate calendar system that was far superior to the European one of the time. They were the first people in the "new" world to keep written historic records.



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