New Orleans, Louisiana

Massachusetts Maritime Academy cadets will not soon forget their experiences in the port of New Orleans. This year, the Training Ship Patriot State will arrive at New Orleans on 22 January, and depart on 27 January. During the time that the ship is in New Orleans, the National Football League Super Bowl will be held, and with it, the city will be full of visitors from around the country and plenty of fun. Convention centers will host players during fairs and other attractions, and the streets will jumping with partiers looking forward to the game. Aside from the Super Bowl hype, New Orleans has enough to offer to satisfy any cadet.

Tours of the city and swamp boat excursions have been arranged by LT Antonangeli. He has also arranged for some 100 cadets and staff to volunteer at the New Orleans Convention Center with 8000 others to prepare for an N.F.L. fair. At the Convention Center, visitors will participate in contests and games, shop for N.F.L. gear, attire and souvenirs, meet N.F.L. players and will definitely have "the ultimate N.F.L. experience."

Clubs, restaurants and bars abound in the city that is home to Mardi Gras. Does anything else have to be said? Bourbon Street is popular, or so we are told.

Shopping will not be hard to do; there are shops along the Riverwalk, plazas and malls.

Although this city has much to offer, the attraction of the Super Bowl has been the talk of the Maritime Academy campus, and will certainly be the focus of most cadets. We can't forget, however, that this city is one of the cultured capitols of the United States. Music--jazz, of course-- is a major influence that shaped the region. Cajun culture (food, dialect) has played a major role in forming New Orleans, and should not be overlooked while in port.

Rick Nash

12/19/1996; 06:49:50 PM